We are involved in all stages of the process of design. We relate a project to its total context (a fourth level of design); we are concerned as much with cultural survival, justice, and wilderness preservation as with efficiency and aesthetics. Our perspective is ecocentric; our vision is of the whole community in which we dwell. We apply ecological concepts, such as networks and carrying capacity. Our designs are anticipatory, flexible, pluralistic, polyvalent, and polytechnic. We try to make open guidelines for long-term decisions. Essentially, we work backwards from values and goals, and from the bottom up and inside out, drawing designs from the genius of place. Finally, we participate in place, care for all inhabitants, and assume responsibility for the designs. Our immediate goals are to reverse degradation and reclaim places for communities, but we also work to increase public awareness of the interdependence of communities, to create environmental quality, and to transform public values by generating new metaphors for living.
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